Populace Meeting

Monthly Baronial meeting will be in online!

When:  every 3rd Wednesday (confirmed on our calendar)

Time:  6:30 pm

Online Meeting Info
Join with Google Meet: meet.google.com/fbz-auqx-iqi
Join by phone: +1 929-282-1162 PIN: 667 226 830#

For questions, contact seneschal@unserhafen.org

Past Minutes

Past agenda & minutes are available here.


Members of our Barony gather monthly to discuss upcoming events, officer reports, and group activities. This is an opportunity for newcomers and seasoned participants alike to engage in the planning of events, classes, and combat practices. Attendees can share ideas, volunteer for roles, and stay informed about the latest happenings within our Barony. Whether you’re a fighter, artisan, or simply a member, all are welcome to join and be part of the community!