Unser Hafen welcomes one and all to witness the rite of succession of its Coronet! Their Excellencies Freana and Richenda have announced their intention to take a well-deserved retirement, and the Crown has selected Countess Kitta Ragnvaldsdottír and Baroness Safiyya bint Faris al-Dani as their successors.
Bear witness to the final court of Freana Geardson and Richenda de la Selva, 13th Coronet of Unser Hafen, and the accession of Kitta and Safiyya as the 14th Coronet.
Bring your softest shoes and find a partner! Master Soren Thorvaldsson will be leading a lively session of dancing for all.
Random Acts of Bardic!
Bardic acts will be interspersed throughout the day! This is being coordinated by Bear’s Gate. If you are interested in helping to organize or perform, please contact Caírech Liath ingen Alpin (
Portrait Booth!
We will have a portrait/photo booth with many fun props and backdrops! Bring your friends and your fanciest garb and get your portrait taken!
Tournament of Chance!
Bring your period games! Play them with others! Each person at the event will get a token when they go through Gate, and the person with the most tokens at the end of the event wins a prize!
Arts and Sciences Competition!
The theme is “My SCA Life”: show what you love about this game and what keeps bringing you back. Entrants are requested to please enter two items from any of the standard A&S categories. Entries need not be complete, and they can have been entered into competitions (and even won) previously. The level of documentation requested is “who, what, where, when”: describe your sources and inspiration. All are encouraged to exhibit and show off their passions in the SCA!
Their to-be Excellencies Kitta and Safiyya will be choosing their A&S Champion (Coronet’s Choice) from amongst the entrants in this competition. Visiting nobles are invited to bring a prize for their favorite entrant and make an artisan’s day!
Scoring is purely optional, and fully independent from their Excellencies choosing their A&S Champion. If you would like a practice run at submitting your items to a formal, judged competition, separate from the Unser Hafen championship, you have the option of signing up for that as well. Score sheets will only be seen by the entrant and their judge(s).
Interested entrants and judges are requested to please contact Lady Regalis de Falchi ( or Lady Ásleif Valdísardóttir ( to sign up: all entrants are welcome, this is to ensure that we have set aside enough table space/performance time set aside. Please include your space and/or performance time requirements along with whether or not you would like to have your entries scored in your email! Please send your intent to compete by April 30 to ensure that we have sufficient time to set aside display space and arrange judges.
Dagny’s Secondhand Treasures!
Bring your spare change (in coins, bills or credit cards) to haggle with Dagny at her table of wares! Proceeds benefit Unser Hafen’s marshalate activities.
(Subject to change)
9:00 am: Site opens
9:30 am: A&S Set Up
10:00 am: Morning court
After Morning Court: Quick Unser Hafen Officer Meeting with the new B&B
11:30 am: A&S Competition starts
1:00 pm: Dancing
2:30 pm: A&S Competition ends
4:00 pm: Closing Court
6:00 pm: Site Closes
Site Details
University Center Ballroom
University of Northern Colorado
2101 10th Ave
Greeley, CO 80631
Opens: Saturday, May 10, 2025 9:00 am
Closes: Saturday, May 10, 2025 8:00 pm
Site is Dry
Site fees:
- Adult (16 and older): $30
- Adult Member: $20
- Youth (15 & under): Free
Event Stewards:
- Andreas von Meißen (Andrew R. Mizener)
- Gregor of Bear’s Gate (Cody Field)