White Rose Inn

On the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm, the White Rose Inn will open for an
evening of warmth and hospitality in Unser Hafen. If you are interested in medieval food, there will be a short talk and things to taste test. Bring along and share your own culinary experiments if you want.

Not into cooking? Come test what others have made. Or just come and hang out and share your scintillating conversation. Don’t live in Unser Hafen? You are welcome as well.

Come Taste, Test, And Talk.​

No SCA garb is required, and you are welcome to bring along food if you
didn’t have time for dinner.​

The Inn will rotate between Fort Collins, Greeley and Loveland.

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
The Inn will be at the home of Baroness Richenda and Baron Freana
1232 Lawrence Drive in Fort Collins
Phone (913) 219-3808
Subject: St. Valentine and Foods of Love

Wednesday March 12, 2025
The Inn will be at the home of Baroness Hélène Boudin
2114 42nd Avenue in Greeley
Phone (970) 590-7602
Subject: In Honor of St. Patrick Songs, stories and food

Wednesday April 9, 2025
The Inn will be at the home of Baroness Richenda and Baron Freana
1232 Lawrence Drive in Fort Collins
Phone (913) 219-3808
Subject: Medieval Easter

Wednesday May 14, 2025
The Inn will be at the home of Countess Rosalind and Master Thorfinn
3601 El Caminito in Loveland
Phone (970) 667-1284
Subject: Cooking with FIRE! Basic outdoor cooking Carpool if you can, parking is tight.

Wednesday June 11, 2025
The Inn will be at the home of Countess Rosalind and Master Thorfinn
3601 El Caminito in Loveland
Phone (970) 667-1284
Subject: Bardic for Battlemoor Come prepare for singing around the campfire. Bring a song, story or food to share. Please wear garb to this one and carpool if you can.

Baroness Richenda and Baron Freana

1232 Lawrence Dr, Fort Collins
Phone (913) 219-3808

Baroness Hélène Boudin

2114 42nd Avenue in Greeley
Phone (970) 590-7602

Countess Rosalind and Master Thorfinn

3601 El Caminito, Loveland
Phone (970) 667-1284

Guidelines for what to bring to the White Rose Inn:
  • Include an ingredient list if you can and your name so we know who to go to if it was particularly yummy. Place it by your dish.
  • Keep your food cold or warm as needed. Sometimes we will have the use of a kitchen, but not always. There may (or may not be) refrigeration. Take care of your food until you are asked to put it out. Sometimes there will be a drop off table for things that can stay at room temperature. Contact the Event Steward if needed.
  • Write your name on the bottom of your serving dish.
  • Serve it on/in a medivalish dish. Don’t plop it on the table in a plastic bowl or in the packaging it came in. Pick up a medivalish plate or bowl from the thrift store to serve stuff in.
  • Cut things into serving sizes. If you are bringing a pie, slice it up beforehand or no one will eat it.
  • We are trying to create the ambiance of the Middle Ages. Every little bit helps. That atmosphere is not helped by having to stare at a Lay’s Potato Chip bags (which by the way YOU SHOULD NOT BE BRINGING !!!!) 
  • Try to find things appropriate to your persona or your country of interest. One of the easiest ways to experience the pre 1600’s world is through food of the period. Remember, just because chocolate was available from South America does not mean that fluffy chocolate cupcakes (although delicious and I will absolutely eat them) are “period”.

Modern to buy on the way to the event (will pass)

  • Summer sausage
  • Rotisserie Chicken
  • Cheese and Crackers
  • Prosciutto wrapped around cheese
  • Carrots and Hummus
  • Smoked salmon, kippers etc with crackers
  • Pita and hummus
  • Fruit
  • Bakery items that don’t look modern. Skip the cookies and cupcakes and look for hand pies or Mexican Pastries
  • Stuffed Grape Leaves – Dolmas 
  • Quiche
  • Salad Kit 

Modern to make (will pass)

Medieval to make 

Definition :“New” world vs “Old” World https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/socstud/foundation_gr7/blms/7-4-4b.pdf