The House of the Grey Ghost

The House of the Grey Ghost is headed by Alain and Isabeau du Chateau in Sterling, Colorado. It hosts monthly Medieval Night household meetings and archery practices, and welcomes new and old friends in rural communities in northeast Colorado. 

For further information, please contact:


  • Medieval Night
    • Once a month, first Saturday of each month
    • New class each month often listed 1-2 months in advance. Previous topics have included forging, medieval board games, and t-tunic creation. November’s Medieval Night will be Fiber Arts, focusing on the process of going from “sheep to shawl”. We will have a spinning wheel, drop spindles and other tools available to view and try. We will have a demonstration of Nålbinding. All materials are provided at no cost.
  • Archery Meetup
    • First Sunday each month at the Sterling Reservoir Archery Range for casual practice and instruction. Loaner materials are available and children 5 and up are welcome to participate.
    • One Sunday per month (date TBA) with Tracker as acting Marshall for qualification scoring.